Is the item you are looking for currently not available? MPL has a convenient service for you!

With a valid Library card, you can place a hold on items in order to secure your place in line for when that item becomes available. When it’s your turn, you’ll be notified that you can pick up your item from the Holds shelf at the branch you requested. You can place holds in your account through our website or new mobile app.


  1. Please ensure you have a valid email address linked to your account.
  2. To avoid a $1 fine, collect or cancel your hold before the pickup date.
  3. You can hold up to 50 items at one time. All holds will automatically expire after two years.

Expired Holds

Patrons are charged $1 in cases they are unable to collect their holds on or before the pickup date. To avoid $1 fine, collect or cancel your hold before the pickup date.

Cancel Holds

  1. Canceling a hold deletes your request for the item and removes you from your position in the waiting list.
  2. The action of canceling a hold can’t be undone.
  3. You can cancel a hold at any time – when you are on the waiting list, when the hold is in transit, or when the hold is available for pickup.
  4. When your hold is ready for pickup, you have seven days to pick it up or cancel it. If you’re not going to be able to pick up your hold, you must cancel it before 9:00 p.m. on the expiry date to avoid the Holds Not Picked Up fine.

Freeze Holds

  1. Setting a hold to freeze is a way to tell the library you don’t want it delivered yet, even if a copy becomes available.
  2. Holds can only be frozen when they are in your “Hold” list. Once a hold is in transit or ready for pickup, you no longer have the option to freeze it.
  3. You will keep moving up on the waiting list during the time your hold is on freeze.
  4. You will not lose your place in line and you will continue to move up on the waiting list during the time your hold is frozen.

Manage Holds

You can manage your holds through “My Account.” In your Hold List, select the hold you want to manage.

Don’t miss your holds!

When one of your holds is ready for pickup, the library will notify you by email or telephone. You can manage your notification settings online or speak to staff at your branch. A $1.00 fine will be charged for every hold that you do not pick up or cancel before the expiry date.

When your hold has the description “1 of 12”, it means that you are the first person of 12 on the waiting list for that title. If you are “24 of 25”, you are the 24th person of 25 people on the waiting list. The number of copies owned by the library is displayed below your position.

Sign in to your account with your library card and PIN. Select the Holds heading to see everything you have on hold. You will see any holds that are ready for pickup, in transit, or still on hold.

Your hold expiration date will be written in your email notification, or will be included in your telephone notification (whichever is your preferred method of communication). You can also check the status of the Hold through My Account.

You have seven days from the day your hold arrives at the pickup branch.

You may choose to be notified by email or telephone when your holds become available.